Friday, July 24, 2015

To keep a journal

1. So you can remember stuff. Your memory won't always be as sharp as a tack, so why not save yourself some frustration and write down exactly what happened at Grandpa Sue's birthday party?
2. It can provide a laugh. Keeping a journal now means that you'll be able to laugh at yourself later down the road. And even if you don't laugh, your great-grandchildren might.
3.You'll find out what is most important to you. People tend to write about what most interests them, and you might surprise yourself with what you choose to focus on each day.
4. It can relieve stress. Don't believe me? Then get a cheap notebook and fill it with everything that frustrates you. Then burn it.
5. It can make you think. Journal writing is hard. Coming up with something to say every day, without sounding like a broken record or being extremely boring takes effort. But stick with it, for it is possible to find something interesting in each day.
6. It takes time. Yes, you're tired. It's been a very long day, and your bed is singing its siren song. But you must resist! Yes, this means possibly five minutes or more that you won't spend sleeping, but at least you'll be able to remember how you rescued that tabby cat from the neighbor's dog.
7. You might learn more about yourself. Journal writing is a personal experience. If you're not open with yourself while writing, then what makes you you will not make it to the page. But once you do open up, what is revealed can be amazing.
8. You could help someone else. Sure, you never plan on letting anyone read your journal. But perhaps, one day, your kids will find it. And read about your struggles in Minnesota as a taxidermist. And somehow, the answer to their problem is within those pages.
9. You could help yourself. We all have problems. Things we struggle with, things we fear. And sometimes, we forget what we've already faced. Until we flip back through an old journal, and find an entry. And within it, we rediscover who we are.
10. It can be fun. You don't have to write every day, and you don't even need to write about your day. Just pick whatever makes you happy, and write about that. A single sentence will do. Just write.

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