Friday, August 5, 2016

How to entertain a child

1. Watch a movie. This seems tobwork best if you let the child pick what movie to watch.
2. Play with toys. Be they dolls, dinosaurs, cars, or another type of toy, the child will have fun if you get on the floor and play with them.
3. Bring out the pets. Most children love animals, and so will be greatly entertain by whatever kind of pet you might have. Just be sure that your pet will accept having a child close to it first.
4. Cook something. Lots of children enjoy getting in the kitchen, even if they do tend to make more of a mess than a batch of cookies.
5. Read together. Books are great entertainment for both you and a child. You can both even take turns making up voices for each character.
6. Let them play outside. Children and the outdoors often make a good match, so why not let them run off some of that endless energy?
7. Work on a craft. Be it painting a rock or tying knots in some yarn, there are plenty of crafts that a child can do.
8. Go on a scavenger hunt. Just make them a list of some goodies you've hidden, and watch them tear up the house in their search.
9. Play a game. It doesn't really matter what the game is, so long as both you and the child have fun.
10. Ask what they want to do. After all, why try and figure out ways to entertain a child when they can just tell you what works?

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