Wednesday, July 12, 2017


The scraggly old barn cat wasn't looking for a family, nor did he want a friend.
All the barn cat wanted was to be left in peace to hunt some mice.
He didn't care about the young mother and her litter of kittens. In fact, he was quite irritated at how their presence was scaring the mice.
The old barn cat's whiskers twitched in annoyance, not amusement, when the runt of the litter gave a very poor impersonation of walking and managed to scare am entire nest of mice into the old barn cat's paws.
The old barn cat got very good at ignoring when the kittens made a mess of his den during their play. After all, acknowledging them could be taken as acceptance of their presence in his home, and that would mean sharing his mice.
The grumpy old barn cat finally managed to scare the young mother and her nearly grown litter away late one afternoon. All the mice would be his once again.
Well, almost all the mice.
For the runt of the litter was still around. Why the runt thought himself welcome, the old barn cat didn't know.
But the runt kept catching the plumpest mice, and leaving them in the old barn cat's den.
And so, the old barn cat would ignore the runt, and hope he went away soon.
But until then, he'd eat all the mice.

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