Friday, November 1, 2019

Freezer Staples

1. Vegetables. Often taste just as good as fresh veggies, and can last longer.
2. Cheese. Because cheese is delicious.
3. Ice cream. It can improve a sad day.
4. Leftovers. Because if you make a bunch of something you love, and it happens to freeze really well, why not save yourself some effort for the next time you want to eat it?
5. Pizza. Because pizza is amazing.
6. Meat. Portion it before you freeze it, and then all you'll have to do is grab the amount you need for each meal.
7. Ice. Lots of folks like ice in their beverages. Who knew?
8. Ice packs. When you've twisted your ankle or hurt your shoulder, an ice pack can help numb the pain.
9. TV dinners. There always seems to be at least one hanging around.
10. Bread. Sometimes, you accidentally bake more bread then you can eat.

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