Friday, June 26, 2020

Easy Breakfasts

1. Toast. If you want to be teally fancy, you could put a spread on it of butter or jam.
2. A sandwich. Take two slices of bread, and stuff something in between. Meat, cheese, peanut butter, the filling possibilities are numerous.
3. Leftovers. Doesn't matter what they are. Cold pizza? Bacon? Spinach and feta tartlets? If it's a leftover, it can be your breakfast. (Because breakfast is merely the first meal of your day, and cannot be bound by the idea that it has to be certain foods.)
4. Scrambled eggs. They're easy enough to make, and because they're scrambled, it's okay if the egg doesn't stay in one solid piece!
5. Ramen noodles. Quick to make, and quick to eat.
6. Cereal. Whether cold or hot, cereal is a super easy breakfast option.
7. Fruit. Apples, oranges, grapes, pears, bananas. Fruit is a breakfast you can mix up in a bowl if you want to be fancy, or blend into a shake if you feel like putting in a bit more effort.
8. A tv dinner. Just nuke it until it's ready toveat, and bam! Dinner for breakfast.
9. Fast food. The easy part is that you don't have to make the food yourself.
10. Yogurt and granola. All you need now is a spoon.

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