Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Sometimes you get a week filled with responsibilities. The usual chores, additional duties, crazy spur of the moment ideas that have to happen right now.
You know that kind of week.
It pushes you into a sprint when you were expecting a nice jog.
By the time you reach the end, you're exhausted.
Then there's the kind of week that just drags on and on. Each moment stretches into the next, lingering far longer than you ever wanted it to. Not only does ever minute take in hour to pass, but even the simplest of tasks become unending.
This kind of week clings to your feet like a tar pit, refusing to let you go no matter how hard you fight to be free.
By the time this week ends, you don't know what a day is supposed to be. What is a second, and why do they keep coming back for more?
Just like a week spent in the blur of responsibilities, a week stretched beyond its accepted length is exhausting to endure.
But then, there are those rare, wonderful weeks wherein neither responsibilities nor time move beyond your ability to accomplish.
Those blissful weeks are just right in all ways: just enough tasks to fulfill, not too much time stretched out, and a comfortable pace that allows for both moments of haste and moments of leisure.
Enjoys those weeks, for they seem so rare in the bustle of life.

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