Friday, March 5, 2021

Inspiring Things


1. Stories. Words are spectacular, and a story – be it written, verbal, or told through various artforms – have a way of sticking with and changing someone.

2. Nature. Trees, mountains, deserts, rivers, or the sea. These are a few of the amazing things we can find in nature, and all have the ability to inspire us if we give them a chance.

3. People. From infancy to seniority, people are awesome. Everyone. Everywhere. No one is without value or the ability to affect others for the better. So don't dismiss someone's value just because you don't see what you want to see. People have a way of surprising others.

4. Animals. Have you ever just stopped to watch an bird in flight, or a caterpillar wiggling along on its way? Animals are amazing. Sometimes creepy, but that just is another source of inspiration.

5. Music. There is a song for every mood, and for every moment. So why not find your jam?

6. Kids. Children are so smart. So curious and willing to learn. We can learn a lot from them, and become better for taking a moment to hear the viewpoint of a child.

7. Love. It can soothe aching hearts, bring people together, and give one the strength to let go. Love is powerful in all its forms.

8. Sleep. Sometimes you just feel horrible, like nothing can go right. Sometimes, getting some sleep helps you recover the strength to combat your doubts and fears.

9. When someone does something nice. It doesn't even have to be for or to you. Just seeing someone be nice has the ability to spread a desire to be a little kinder, a little nicer, and to add a pinch more good into the world.

10. Food. Doesn't matter what it is, so long as it isn't something you're allergic to or despise with a passion. Food brings happiness to those who eat it.

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