Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Creamy Fur

Droplets fell to the scorched earth; signalling the end of a once mighty waterfall.
The shadow that darkened the blistered ground would have sent the forest's creatures running, had there been any left at the once-beloved pool. As it was, the shadow grew as its caster descended to land.
Fierce claws dug into the baked earth as the creature reached the ground. Leathery wings riddled with holes were tucked against a back covered in pebbly gray skin.
The creature stretched, arching its back in a movement far too graceful for anything so large. A long tail slipped lazily back and forth as the creature gave a great yawn that revealed a mouth full of sharp teeth.
The creature sat and twisted its torso about to study its wings. A one wing unfolded, a small patch of creamy fur was revealed. The creature stared at the patch if fur for a long moment, amber eyes unblinking as it considered the oddity.
Strange flashes of memory filled the creature's mind: trees being so much larger, the wind teasingly ruffling its fur, the sweet contentment of a comfortable lap.
Releasing a sneeze that sent an uncomfortable burst of flame from its mouth, the creature turned back to the small patch of fur as the ground sizzled.
Rough, angry licks at the patch of fur made it begin to smoke. The smoke grew darker as the creamy fur blackened beneath the unrelenting force of the creature's tongue.
When at last all trace of fur was gone, the creature settled itself on the ground, curled inward with the tip of its long tail resting gently on its nose.
As its eyes closed and it surrendered itself to sleep, the creature began to purr.

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