Friday, April 28, 2017

What to do at Midnight

1. Have a snack. Eating something is a great way to get that kast bit of fuel you need to finish a late night project.
2. Get some sleep. You might not turn into a pumpkin, but if you don't get enough sleep you'll probably be a sour apple in the morning.
3. Read. Books don't have bedtimes, and have a way of making you forget yours.
4. Write. Because when you've gotten into a groove, why let some time on the clock stop the words fron flowing?
5. Play with your cat. Unlike a dog, cats are often up at night. So if you want to play catch the mouse, you might need to stay up with your feline.
6. Talk with a friend. The time of day doesn't matter when a friend needs help or a attentive ear.
7. Do a jig. Because in the night, no one is awake enough to laugh at your silly dance moves. So turn in some music, and let your feet fly.
8. Think. Everything is quiet, and now you can relax from the worries of the day. Think about whatever you'd like. Just let your mind unwind and the thoughts freely drift.
9. Fold clothes. Because sometimes, midnight is the only time you'll have to fold them.
10. Make a plan. Because what better time is there to plan than at midnight?

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