Wednesday, December 23, 2020



Who is there when you feel unwell?

There are so many possibilities.

Parents, tending to their sick child stuck inside all day while the other children play.

A spouse, bringing home medicine and turning on a comfortingly familiar movie.

Your sibling, who knows all the ways to make you smile even on the most horrible kinds of days.

A kindly neighbor, who comments on how good it is to see you on that day.

Your pets, who shows you love in their special ways.

When you feel unwell, it can make you feel alone. Forgotten. Sad. Like you might never be better again. But such feelings can be banished by remembering those you love, and those who love you.

You might feel weak and useless now, but you will be strong again.

You will be well.

And you needn't ever suffer alone, for there are so many people there to lift you up.

So take heart, and let yourself have a moment to rest and recover from whatever made you feel unwell.

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