Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Orange Tail


The tail was fluffy, and stuck up like a proudly raised flag. The bright orange fur was impossible to miss, which made the fact that the rest of the creature's body was invisible seem kind of pointless. Yet it was invisible. Other than that bright orange fluffy tail, nothing else of the creature could be seen. It didn't even leave any tracks where it walked!

How was one supposed to prove the existence of a creature that your own eyes believed was just a tail?

Whatever the creature was, it wouldn't allow anyone close enough to touch it, so feeling its shape was out.

Perhaps it could simply be known as the spectacular floating tail? No, people would claim it was fake, that there were wires or something.

The creature did eat. It ate whatever it could, no matter what that thing was. Plant, animal, rocks, the life boat, all had been consumed by the creature. Yet it never left anything half-eaten, and thus one couldn't compare its teeth marks to any other animals.

Well, there it goes, a streak of orange shooting off into the distance. Maybe it will come back, and I'll be able to find some answers as to what it is.

Until then, it is simply the Orange Tail.

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