Friday, January 1, 2021

To Speak Kind Words


1. They could brighten up someone's day. A kind word can make another person so happy, and you never know when someone might need a bit more happiness in their day.

2. They could make you a friend. People tend to enjoy spending time with people who are nice to them in both word and deed.

3. Because sometimes people need to know that someone believes in them.

4. Because it is more satisfying to walk away from an arguement after saying something nice to the person you were disagreeing with, then to give them the satisfaction of hearing you say something mean that makes you seem like the bad guy.

5. People are always watching. What kind of reputation do you want to carry?

6. Kind words tend to build amazing and kind kids.

7. Because you are worth being nice to, and kindness isn't just for others.

8. Animals tend to prefer a kindly spoken word, rather than a harsh command.

9. It can confuse your enemies when you sincerely compliment them on their sinsister secret base.

10. Food tastes better after being part of a pleasant conversation.

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