Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Storm


The night was dark. Clouds covered the sky, blocking out the sliver of moon amongst the stars. The air was heavy with the promise of a storm, though nothing had yet been unleashed.

The trees below swayed with the growing wind. When the clouds finally released their load, the wind picked up to fling water and leaves about with abandon. Positively shrieking with glee, the wind thrashed about with the rain, whipping the fat water droplets around every which way.

The creatures of the wood were sensible enough to stay within their various shelters. It proved wise when with a crack of thunder, a bolt of lightning struck one of the trees. The wind-thrown water soon saw the glimmer of fire extinguished before further damage could be done.

And so the storm carried on through the night. Not even the most reckless of creatures were tempted out of their shelters until the first hints of day finally broke through the clouds and the storm subsided.

Even after the storm ended, it took some time for any creature to feel safe enough to come out into the storm ravaged wood. But come out they did, for the storm had passed, and they had lives left to live.

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