Friday, January 22, 2021

Cute Critters


1. Cats. Big or small, wild or domesticated, super fluffy or completely hairless, cats are adorable.

2. Frogs and toads. Something about them just makes me croak at how lovely they are, and I cannot like one without also liking the other. They're just too cute.

3. Spiders. I love their eyes. The way some have facelike features that just scream I see a tasty fly. Their legs. The way they show up on your ceiling in from out of nowhere, when you were certain there was nothing there a minute ago...

4. Snakes. They are fantastic. Elegance coated in scales, often with a deadly tinge. Some are little, others massive. Either way, simply fantastic.

5. Bats. Have you ever watched them fly about catching bugs? It's a lot of fun.

6. Praying mantises. I like to keep an eye out for them, and even got one to pose for some really cute photos once!

7. Turtles. I met one once on a walk home, just hanging out in the brush at the edge of the road. Such a nice fellow to greet along the way.

8. Bettas. I had a few different bettas at various times in my life. I always seemed to get a red betta that I would name Blue.

9. Walruses. They just make me smile.

10. Moths. I may have very strong opinions about their bombardments upon my person from childhood camping trips when trying to read at night, opinions that make me dislike them fluttering about me, but they are really cute.

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