Friday, August 31, 2018

How to Change the Subject

1. Bring up their pets. People love to talk about their animals, and they also love to show off the many pictures they have of their beloved pets.
2. Talk about the kids. Children are a wonderful time-consuming subject, and have the power to distract a parent from other subjects.
3. Ask about their latest project. Everyone has something they're working on. If you ask the right questions, you'll not only gain a new understanding of their project, but you'll make them happy to have had an opportunity to gush about it.
4. Fall asleep. By the time you wake up, the subject should have changed.
5. Mention food. People love food. Especially their favorite foods. Use this subject-changer wisely.
6. Bring up something that you're interested in. At the first lull, seize the conversation and take it down the road of what interests you.
7. Be blunt. Just say that you want to tall about something else, and then talk about that new subject.
8. Through a battle. Make your choice, and after three rounds the paper rock scissors champion may lead the conversation wherever they choose.
9. Stop talking to people. If you don't talk to anyone, the you'll never need worry about changing the subject.
10. Go join another conversation. Plus if you wander from one group to another, you'll have a better chance of making new friends.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Long Night

The long night stretches, silence echoing through the halls.
Sweet dreams chase after nightmares, though they may be hard to recall.
But before one may dream, they must first fall asleep.
A difficult task, when shadows are the only company you keep.
How long must the night last? When will the insomnia end?
When will the morning sun's rays reach out like an old friend?
When the long night is over, when sleep finally descends.
Then may you rest, though for now all you do is pretend.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Dragons Competitions

1. Fire-breathing contests. Flames are judged by heat, distance reached, and stability.
2. Wing races. The eastern dragons are still miffed that they are technically ineligible.
3. Knight eating contests. Armor need not be consumed.
4. Hoard building challenges. You have twelve hours to build the largest hoard of eligible objects. Your prize? Everything that was hoarded.
5. Princess pageants. How well have you cared for your princess?
6. Roar-offs. Who has the mightiest roar? Which one fills all who hear it with terror?
7. Village frightening. The goal here is to scare the villagers, not eat them (put the goat down, Steve!).
8. Napping. It is important to remember that waking a judge means instant disqualification.
9. Castle renovating. Which castle looks the most draconic after the renovations? (Hint: not the one with humans still running about.)
10. Scale care. Dragons can be very vain, and so those with the most well cared for scales, teeth, wings, horns, and claws will score highest in this competition.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Slow of Foot

Timothy the turtle was not very fast. In fact, he was the slowest in his group of friends.
But his lack of speed wasn't just because of his heavy shell and short legs. No, Timothy moved slowly because his mind never stopped racing.
He was always thinking. Of what to eat, the names and qualities of various plants, what he should get his best friend Suzie Hare for her upcoming birthday, and so much more.
With so many thoughts filling his he, Timothy couldn't risk moving too fast.
For whenever he did, he usually ran into things.
And so Timothy contented himself in being slow of foot, but quick of mind.

Friday, August 17, 2018

To Get Excited

1. You get to sleep in!
2. Someone made you cookies.
3. You got a new book!
4. Your best friend came to hang out.
5. The cat decided to sit on your lap!
6. You finished a project you've been working on.
7. Dinner is ready!
8. The weather is just right for whatever you want to do.
9. You got a good grade on the test you were worried about!
10. You made a new friend!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Sometimes it flies by like lightning, leaving you behind no matter how you rush to catch up.
Other times, it seems to be caught in a bog, with each moment an agonizing wait between squelches.
At times it is sunk into things of little worth.
Sometimes there isn't enough for all your good works.
Your time is finite, though at times it seems endless.
And take care how you spend it, for you can never exchange the time that you've spent.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Tasty Shaved Ice Flavors

1. Horchata.
2. Cherry.
3. Lychee.
4. Coconut.
5. Cola.
6. Blue Raspberry.
7. Lemonade.
8. Peach.
9. Grape.
10. Cinnamon.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Involve Vegetables

Legend tells of one child who would save his town at its darkest hour.
But no one said it would involve vegetables.
Still, when young Alex O'Malley's parents (and all the other adults in town) were captured by alien broccoli, he knew just what to do.
And so Alex O'Malley gathered up all the kids he knew from school that had one thing in common: a love for vegetables.
His troops rallied, Alex led the charge against the aliens with fork in hand.
One floret at a time, the children ate their way through the alien army. Once they realized what the children were doing, the broccoli aliens attempted to flee.
But water balloons filled with ranch soon cut off their escape.
And so the children consumed the alien army, rescued their parents, and thus saved the day.
All because Alex O'Malley knew who loved to eat their vegetables.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Quick Meals

1. Scrambled eggs.
2. Toast with jam and a side of cottage cheese.
3. Oatmeal.
4. Quesadillas.
5. Cereal.
6. Salad.
7. Frozen leftovers. Because when you plan ahead, dinners can be quick yet taste as if you spent all day in the kitchen.
8. Canned soup.
9. A cold sandwich.
10. Ramen noodles.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Three Heroes

The pretty princess all dressed in pink,
Seeks out adventures every day of the week.
The brave knight faces danger with glee,
Until he falls and scrapes his knee.
The wise wizard studies long in his tower.
His magical strength growing hour by hour.
And when these three gather and plan what to do,
Nothing can stop them from seeing the quest through!