Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Pies are Delicious

Sometimes the crust of a pie is flakey, and sometimes it has a nice crumble. One pie may have both a bottom and a top crust, while another might one have one of those.
Is it better to break through the top only to find no bottom crust, or to know there is a bottom crust because there isn't a top crust to block your view?
A pie may be filled with all sorts of treats. Chocolate, apples, chicken, vegetables, and even various nuts are all common fillings. Though I'd reccomend not putting them all inti the same pie.
Some pies are served hot, bubbling happily  in warm splendor. Others are served cold, to add a pleasant chill to each tasty bite.
But no matter how you enjoy them, pies are delicious. So why not try one today?

Friday, April 24, 2020

To be Happy

1. Your pet loves you.
2. You've got enough to eat.
3. You were able to go to work.
4. You got to spend time with family.
5. Someone made you laugh.
6. You accomplished something you were working on.
7. Someone gave you a compliment.
8. You got enough sleep.
9. Nothing broke.
10. The weather was nice.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Sometimes you get a bit rusty at some of the things you do. Sometimes, it's because a lot of time has passed since you last did it, while for another time it may be that you'd only just learned that thing you've now forgotten.
When you get rusty at doing something, you could just give up, and live with its squeaking.
Or you could try again, until you've oiled whatever was stuck. It might take a while, but soon the door of ability will open smoothly again.
If you just try, you will likely get better. At the very least, you'll be able to say you tried to clean away the rust of disuse.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Comfort Foods

1. Spaghetti.
2. Grilled cheese sandwiches and soup.
3. Mint chocolate chip ice cream.
4. Chocolate chip cokies.
5. Macaroni and cheese with hot dogs.
6. Pizza with feta cheese and bacon.
7. Pretzels.
8. Burritos.
9. Meatball sub sandwich.
10. Ramen noodles.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Each Season

In the summer is a good time for ice cream. It is great for swimming, and camping, and going on adventures with friends.
The autumn is filled with brilliant colors on every tree. The bugs say farewell, and the pumpkins get carved, and we start pulling out our warm knitted scarves.
During winter the birds fly away. Snow covers the ground, and families send letters to tell of their year, and all around the world people try to spread some good cheer.
When spring comes around the flowers start blooming. We clean away the old to make room for the new, and tend to our gardens, and try to learn a bew skill or two.
Each season brings joy in its own special way, and in each we can find something to love, which will help us grow better every single day.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Uses for a Stick

1. It can be thrown for the puppy to fetch.
2. Stick a marshmallow on to roast over a fire.
3. Poke it into a pond to see how deep the water gets.
4. Use to sweep away cobwebs from inside the shed.
5. As kindling for a fire.
6. For whittling practice.
7. It's a magic wand for a child's game..
8. As a makeshift paper towel holder.
9. It can be an anchor for braiding bracelets at camp.
10. You can use it to point things out during a presentation.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Beautiful Day

The day was beautiful. The sun was shining from a blue sky thinly coated with wispy strands of clouds, and a pleasant spring breeze played with the fresh blossoms blooming upon the trees that lined the bank of the lake.
It was too beautiful a day for what I had to say.
"Hansen, I have to go home."
"Jessie, you may return to the capital whenever you like," Hansen said, a soft smile on his face as he gently took my gloved hand.
When I pulled my hand away, his smile faded slightly as confusion filled his pale eyes.
"I don't mean to the capital," I said, shaking my head. Whenever I thought of home, it was never the capital that filled my mind.
Home was a forest where the sky was always filled with the color of fire. Everything there was tinted in spectacular shades of red, a place where my hair melted into my surroundings, instead of sticking out amongst people whose hair only seemed to come in browns.
"Jessie," Hansen gave a sigh, as if my capital-given name weighed as heavy on his tongue as it did my ears, "you know you can't go back."
He reached out a hand to me, but I turned away, the heavy layers of my dress a reminder of where I was. Cumbersome fabric. I stared out at the lake and its relection of the blue sky.
There were too many colors here. I still didn't know the names for all of them.
"None of you have let me try to open the door again," I said, hands clenching as I remembered the day I'd found myself in this world. How even as my eyes were nearly blinded by the kaleidoscope of colors, I turned around a scrabbled at the stone I'd just emerged from.
How I'd huddled against that stone sobbing for days, fingers coated in my own blood from when I'd torn the skin while attempting to make a simple carving of a door in the stone open.
Hansen had been part of the group that found me, though they hadn't been looking for a girl in those woods. No, they'd simply been out hunting with Prince Scorpius.
I hadn't known who he was, or even what they were saying to me, for our two worlds did not share a language. They'd had to drag me away from the stone, fighting for every step back to the capital.
"You don't understand," I said softly, then threw out my arms, "all of this, it isn't right! There's too many colors, and everything tastes wrong, even the air!" I turned back to me, trembling with the weight of it all. "I know it's been a year, and I know that your King has been more than generous in allowing me to stay at the palace while I learn about this world, but it just doesn't feel right!" I lifted my hands to my face, wishing I could feel the comforting calluses instead of soft silk. In a softer voice, I add, "I know Prince Scorpius has asked you to propose."
As if it was the Prince's responsibility to see me wed. As if I were some noble woman who needed a husband and manor to care for.
As if I hadn't had people who relied on me back home, who counted on me to one day lead them. As if I hadn't left my heart behind, in the hands of one whose path would now never merge with mine.
I head Hansen take a hesitant step toward me, though he made no move to  lower my hands from my face.
"I know you have lost much. More than any of us could possibly imagine," he began, voice soft, "I know you don't want to give up home that one day you'll be able to return to your home. But it has been a year. Scorpius has had those he trusts working on that stone door ever since we brought to the palace. It hasn't let anything in, and it hasn't spat anything else out.
"You've shown so much courage since your arrival in our world, and so much strength in the face of so much unknown. I know you don't want to give up hope that one day you'll make it back to your home world." Hansen stretched out a hand palm up to me, his eyes soft. "I don't want you to give up that hope. I just want to know if you'll let me help carry that weight."
I lowered my hands, staring at his outstretched hand. "I left my heart behind," I said, unsure if I could grow to love another. Would it be fair, if all I really wanted was to get back home?
Hansen smiled, a bittersweet smile that made it seem as though he knew my thoughts. "I would go with you to find it."
I frowned at his words, guilt nipping at me for wanting to accept them. He didn't know what he was offering, what he would lose.
But another part of me almost felt a shade of my heart return.
"Would you?" I asked.
"I would."
I took Hansen's hand, and we walked back down the path toward his manor.
Perhaps today wasn't too beautiful after all.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Uses for a Mirror

1. To see your face.
2. To reflect light in an attention-catching way when lost.
3. To check behind you while driving.
4. To calculate how many stitches you need to add to an edging pattern to round the corner of a handkerchief.
5. To check if someone's a vampire.
6. To create an illusion.
7. To check what's around the corner.
8. To fill a blank wall space in a guest room.
9. To allow you to watch how you move when pacticing a new exercise or routine.
10. Because mirrors are fun.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Your Hands

Your hands do a lot of things.
Pick up and put down stuff. Manipulate tools to build or fix something.
Wipe away a child's tear.
Rub the dog's belly.
Your hands can do all this, and more!
They can clap when you're excited, or get clenched when you're mad.
They know how to scratch an itch, or pluck the strings of a guitar.
Your hands help you throughout the day.
So shouldn't you be nice to them whenever you can?
Wash away the mud after working in the garden.
Pluck a splinter out if you get one.
Give your hands some lotion when they get dried out by work or weather.
Let them rest when they're tired.
Your hands are always there for you, and so you should always be there for them too.