Friday, August 27, 2021

To Take A Break


1. So you can sleep.

2. Because you're hungry.

3. You've started repeating yourself.

4. The quality of your work has decreased.

5. You want to.

6. Because the cat wants cuddles.

7. You need to go somewhere.

8. Because continuing wouldn't make you feel happy at that moment.

9. So you can recharge.

10. The power went out.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Seeing through Struggles


Whenever life gets hard and you don't know what to do, there are some simple things that can help you work it through.

Achieving enough sleep will help you make it through the day, while eating food will provide energy you need in order to play.

Time with loved ones can help lift the heart.

While time alone can help when you feel like you need to be apart.

No matter the struggle, you can succeed!

Believe in yourself, and you'll find joy indeed!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Date Ideas


1. Go to the park.

2. Get ice cream.

3. Watch each of your favorite movies.

4. Go to a used bookstore, and find a book you think the other should read.

5. Go to a zoo.

6. Play games together.

7. Share a meal.

8. Go to a museum.

9. Sing karaoke together, in whatevrr way you want.

10. Go for a hike.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Storm


The sky was dark, the world a gloomy gray despite it being mid-afternoon.

The ground was littered with puddles, the scent of fresh rain filling the air.

A light drizzle still fell, so fine that it appeared almost as misty haze.

From the comfort of a chair on the covered patio, you took it all in with a deep breath, pleased with the storm. The area needed the moisture, and you loved the general feel that came upom the world whenever it rained.

So here you would sit, until the storm moved on.

Friday, August 13, 2021

To Sleep


1. Your dreams are always interesting.

2. Your bed is comfortable.

3. Because getting enough sleep helps keep you healthy.

4. You've had a hard day, and just want to start over fresh tomorrow.

5. Because you want to.

6. You don't have anything else that needs doing tonight.

7. You have something important you have to do tomorrow.

8. The writing flows better when your eyes aren't consantly closing.

9. Because your cat says you must.

10. So you can get up earlier.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Cat Cuddles


After a long day, sometimes all you want is to cuddle with your cat.

Too bad that is when the cat never wants to be aroubd you.

For such is the way of a feline— when desired, he shall flee, and when unwanted he will never leave you be.

But on occasion, when all is just right, the cat may choose to grace you with the affection you desire from him.

Cherish these moments, for they so rarely occur. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Names Starting with F


1. Felix.

2. Freya


4. Felicia.

5. Fargo.

6. Flora.

7. Fred.

8. Forrest.

9. Francesca

10. Franklin.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Reignite the Flames


Sometimes your mind slips, and things fall through the cracks.

Sometimes, the day flies away, leaving you no moment to catch your breath.

What was once important can have its value wither before your eyes, leaving nothing behind but a sorrowful sigh.

When such times occur, do not be sad.

Remember the good times, when excitement filled your heart.

Those times when all you could think about were the dreams in the distance, and how each day brought you another step closer to them.

All too often, dreams lay forgotten, cast aside by the ever-changing tides of life.

But what was forgotten need not remain so.

All it may take is a single spark to reignite the flames of your passion.