Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nightingale High: Abel, part II

I opened my eyes slowly, listening to the sounds of the small glen I had made camp at late last night. I got out of my bedroll and quickly began dismantling camp, keeping watch with all my senses while I worked.
I had to be vigilant in my watch, despite the glen being quite secluded. Without Mercy, everything was harder. But without Jake to lead our pack, there had been too much tension for the two of us to continue traveling together.
Which was fine by me, despite the hardship. Mercy was arrogant, selfish, and cruel. Her being half taint meant very little to me. What had meant something to me was the fact the I used to be able to trust her to watch my back without putting a knife in it.
That trust was gone.
And with it, my last... my last friend...
I shook my head, banishing thoughts of what had been as I secured my bedroll to my pack. Shouldering my pack, I glanced around the glen. The birds still sang their morning song, and everything seemed as peaceful as the little stream that ran through the center of the glen.
I shifted the sheath of my dagger, positioning it within easy reach as I knelt beside the stream and dipped my cupped hand down.
I had brought my head up to drink when something in the glen changed. I forced myself to continue as if nothing had changed, drinking the water in my hand, and my other hand found the hilt of my dagger. I strained my senses, trying to pinpoint the change before I acted.
A twig snapped, and I knew.
Twisting my body so that I half faced the threat, I threw my dagger.
I had already palmed my boot knife and turned to fully face the man who had gotten too close before I sensed him, that it took me a moment to realize that my dagger hadn't touched him.
And that it hadn't left the air yet.
The man held up his hands, showing that he was unarmed.
That was a pretty good throw, for not knowing exactly where I was. Of course, my stepping on a twig must have helped by giving you a general direction.” The air elemental shook his head sorrowfully. “With such a rookie mistake, you'd think I was... well, a rookie.” He sighed, “At least none of the fledglings were here to witness this. They'd never let me forget it...”
I frowned, my boot knife still held in a defensive position. The elemental shook his head again, then seemed to remember about me. “Oh, here's your dagger. I'm not here to fight, young taint.” He flicked a hand, and my dagger flew slowly through the air with the blade still facing the elemental, until it hovered in front of me. I grabbed it with my free hand, and cautiously sheathed it.
Why are you here, elemental?” I asked, finally allowing myself to look at him.
The air elemental had light hazel eyes, more green then brown, and short windblown black hair. He was tall, with light tanned skin and a straight nose. The elemental was dressed simply in travelers garb similar to my own, though his sleek black boots had seen very little wear.
The elemental smiled and lowered his hands. “I'm here to offer you in invitation. You have been selected for scholarship at a new educational facility.”
I stared at the elemental skeptically. “And why would I want to come to this educational facility? I have more important things to do then waste my time at some school.” I bent down a sheathed my boot knife, watching the elemental out of the corner of my eye.
He sighed and nodded sadly. “Its understandable. I can see why a youth like yourself would rather be off gallivanting in the wilderness then furthering your education at some new secluded school on a small island in the middle of nowhere, where you could spend months getting to know that special someone without worrying about them running off every five seconds...” The elemental turned around and began walking away, lifting a hand in a careless wave goodbye. “Oh well, I suppose this is goodbye... Good luck finding whoever you've connected with on your own!”
I knew I was being baited, and that his offer was too good to be true.
The elemental turned his head, his eyes only a little curious. “What is it, taint?”
I hesitated, feeling for the connection between myself and the girl named Kathryn. If I could get a clear lock on her outside of my dreams, then I would let this elemental leave. But if I couldn't...
Your offer, would you extend it to my bond if I accepted?”
The air elemental nodded his head. “Yes, we would.”
I stretched out my senses, but couldn't find any clarity.
Then I accept.”

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