Friday, September 21, 2012

Words with the suffix -kinesis

1.  Aerokinesis.
2. Cryokinesis. 
3. Hydrokinesis.
4. Pyrokinesis.
5. Geokinesis.
6. Ferrokinsis.
7. Electrokinesis.
8. Photokinesis.
9. Chronokinesis.
10. Telekinesis.

How many of these do you know the meaning of?


  1. Oookay, superpower knowledge don't fail me now.
    (I took Latin) (I invented a whole bunch of new superpower names once)

    1. Wind/Air control
    2. ?
    3. Or aquakinesis, though I prefer hydrokinesis too - water control.
    4. Or Heliokinesis, fire control.
    5. Guessing - nature control? I don't know.
    6. ?
    7. Electricity control, duh. Archer has it, from the Onyx series, along with Aerokinesis and telepathy.
    8. Arrrgh.
    9. Grr.
    10. Basic matter control; you can move anything with your mind.

    Power of the day: Psychometry (Mythos Academy) (Onyx series, Aria has it!)

    1. You did pretty good! Here are the others:

      2. Cryokinesis= Ice control.
      5. Geokinesis= Earth control, particularly of inorganic minerals.
      6. Ferrokinesis= Metal control.
      8. Photokinesis= Light control.
      9. Chronokinesis= Time control.

      Psychometry: To gain information from an object about its owner and/or of events that have occurred around the object.
      I don't think I've read Mythos Academy or the Onyx series before... I'll have to go look them up!

    2. Oh, um, I wrote Onyx, but Mythos is good!

    3. Okay. Thus far the Onyx series sounds pretty fun.
      I'll have to give Mythos a try!
