Friday, May 15, 2015

How to make friends

1. Find someone with similar interests to you. Having something that you both enjoy doing can be a great starting point for becoming friends.
2. Share your stuff. Be it a pencil or a chocolate chip cookie, being willing to share offers you an excellent opportunity to talk to new people.
3. Talk to everyone. Conversations can bring people together. They don't need to be long, but you do need to show interest in what the other person has to say. Remember that one-sided conversation has the same effect as walking into a wall.
4. Be kind. Most people don't like being around people who are mean to them. So be nice, and perhaps you'll brighten someone's day.
5. Be yourself. Changing who you just to make friends is like taking on a role in a play. Each person plays the part they think will mesh with the other parts, but then they become stuck in that role for the entire play. Instead of pretending, or focusing on only one aspect of yourself, take a risk. Let others see who you are, and let them decide if they like you for you.
6. Don't be afraid to laugh. Humor can bring people together. Laughter is best when shared with others, and when the cause of it doesn't make anyone feel ridiculed. Sometimes silly situations come up, and a bond can form between people just by sharing a laugh.
7. Think positively. Budding friendships can be crushed by negative attitudes. Don't worry about how a potential friendship could decay into anger and disdain if mistakes are made and left unresolved. That kind of thinking will only lead to destroying relationships before they can even start. Try your best to silence your fears, and be the type of friend you want to have.
8. Don't be overwhelming. Sure, forming a friendship is exciting. But that doesn't mean that you need to spend every minute of the day with your new friend. Both of you need time to get things done, and to spend with others. Figure out how much time you can stand to be around each other for, and try not to go over it.
9. Include others. Oh, you already have a bunch of friends? Well, don't use that as an excuse not to make more! If you see someone on their own, be willing to at least try to include them. It'll only take a minute to introduce yourself, and you could wind up gaining with a wonderful new friend.
10. Be patient. Making friends can be tough, but never give up. Though it might seem an impossible task at times, it is well worth the effort. Both you and your friend will be changed by the experience, no matter how long the friendship lasts.

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