Friday, December 25, 2015

Gifts for your dog

1. A big juicy bone.
2. A shirt. Because some dogs love wearing them.
3. Squeaky toys.
4. Moist food. If your dog is normally on a dry food diet, then moist food could be a wonderful treat.
5. A new collar or harness.
6. A long walk around the block. If your dog loves exercise, then going on an extra walk could make them very happy.
7. Their favorite treat. Who doesn't love getting something they already love?
8. A new blanket or bed. Something comfy to sleep on is very important for your pup. Plus, you might get to be able to sit in your chair this way!
9. A good rub. Your pet is sure to love the attention, and that you can reach those hard to itch places.
10. Extra playtime. Spending more time playing with your pet is an excellent way to show your love for them.

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