Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Fargo the giant

The giant known as Fargo couldn't sleep.
He tossed and turned in his bed above the clouds, worry fogging his mind. For his new favorite pet, an odd little creature called Jack, had vanished this morning.
Fargo had searched everywhere in his castle for little Jack. The matchbox, the kitchen, the treasury, and even the stable. He'd even checked the bottom of his shoes!
But Jack was nowhere to be found.
He'd had the thought throughout the day to search around the strange beanstalk which had appeared the same day Jack did, but Fargo had ignored it. He'd seen through the kitchen window that little Jack wasn't hiding around that scrawny plant.
Now in the restless night, that thought returned.
"Go to the beanstalk."
Fargo shifted in the bed, lifting one hand to itch his right ear. That had been bothering him since the morning, but Fargo wasn't one to care much for cleanliness.
"Go to the beanstalk." The thought came again. Such a quiet, insistent thought.
Shifting once more, Fargo the giant got out of bed. It wouldn't hurt to at least look around the beanstalk, since sleep didn't seem to be coming.
So Fargo lumbered through his castle, passing empty rooms. He wondered when his wife would get back from visiting her sister. Hopefully he found Jack before then. His wife would surely love such an odd little creature.
Going outside, a brisk wind howled and tugged at his clothes. Hopefully little Jack wouldn't be out in this weather. That would be horrible!
The garden seemed deserted as Fargo approached the scrawny beanstalk. He scratched his itchy right ear, and bent down to search the plant.
It was so much smaller than anything else in the garden, yet the growth was more than he'd have expected from a plant only two days old.
Peering at the beanstalk, Fargo poked the cloudy ground near its base. There was a little hole there, small enough that something Jack's size could have fallen into it. Hopefully he hadn't, for there was nothing beneath the clouds.
His ear itched painfully, and Fargo groaned as he scratched it again. He'd never liked gardening, that was his wife's hobby. He was too tired to look at plants in the dark anyway.
Something tickled his arm as Fargo stood. He brushed at it, sneezing. The plants didn't help his allergies very much either.
He'd investigate that hole at the beanstalk's base in the morning. That decided, Fargo turned to head back inside. The itchiness in his ear was fading now, so perhaps it had been his allergies acting up again.

What Fargo the giant didn't see as he went inside was a young boy hurrying down to the hole at the beanstalk's base. Covered in a sticky yellow goop, the boy couldn't help but shiver as he glanced toward the retreating giant.
"Never again." The boy named Jack muttered, climbing the beanstalk in a quick decent toward the land far below the clouds. "Mother was right. Treasure isn't worth getting coated with earwax."

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