Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wisdom hires help

Looking out from the entrance of his cave, all the old man could see were monsters.
Huge dragons, swarms of monstrous bats, and killer rabbits were only a few of the ones he could name. And for each one he could name, there were two or three that he couldn't.
It was fantastic.
Motioning to a jaded-looking centuar with a jagged scar on his chest, the man moved deeper into the cave.
With the clip-clop of hooves echoing on the stone behind him, the old man led the centuar to a torchlit table.
The old man sat in a chair behind the table, then looked up at the centuar.
"And you are?"
"Thaddeus Clovesen, of the Thundering Plains." The centuar answered, silver tail swishing as he dipped his humanlike torso in a bow.
The old man set his hands on the table and leaned forward. "And what makes you think you could solve my problem?"
"I've defeated twelve heroes in single combat, and chased off two adventurer bands who were seeking the unicronum treasure." Thaddeus said, a smirk slowly forming as he spoke.
The old man considered, then selected a paper from the table and slid it over to the centuar.
"You're hired. You'll be paid a portion of whatever treasure you and the others happen to gather from the heroes you defeat. Is that acceptable?"
Thaddeus grinned and picked up a quill. "That'll be just fine. It's not often that the wise old man decides he's tired of helping the heroes."
The old man let out a snort as the centuar signed the contract. "You'd be hiring protection if annoying fellows with too many muscles and not enough sense kept breaking into your home and demanding prophecies fortelling them defeating some vile overlord."

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