Friday, August 19, 2016

Things dragons don't eat

1. Broccoli. Because even a dragon can be afraid of vegetables.
2. Kittens. A dragon knows better then to eat the young of a species whose entire army has nine lives.
3. Homework. Why would a dragon eat your homework, yet not eat you?
4. The moon. Dragons know that contrary to popular belief, the moon is not made of cheese.
5. Spiders. Cleaning webs out from between your teeth is far too annoying for any dragon to consider spiders worth munching.
6. Armor. Crunchy metal isn't very tasty, but the soft insides are worth the time it takes to melt the armor.
7. Dragon's bane. Because really, what dragon would want to eat something that promised to be its bane?
8. Mirrors. If the mirror was consumed, then what would the dragon spend time studying its reflection in?
9. Princesses. They're much too fattening, and so full of tears that they'll extinguish a dragon's inner fire.
10. Gold. Because who would want to eat their bed?

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