Friday, September 23, 2016

Elegant animals

1. Cats. Most cats carry themselves with grace and dignity. Those elite felines tend to ignored their disgraceful kin who are prone to tripping over their own paws.
2. Crocodiles. Whether on land or in the water, each movement a crocodile makes is cafefully calculated.
3. Spiders. You might expect spiders to stumble about on all those legs, but they know what it takes to weave a perfect web.
4. Bats. If you'll take some time to watch a bat flutter about catching bugs and afterward dive down to skim a pond's surface to get a drink, then you've seen how elegant bats can be.
5. Peacocks. A peacock is certainly a sight when his tail feathers are fanned out to impress a peahen. Just try to ignore his cries for help should he be startled.
6. Snakes. A snake slithers in such a way that can either be called elegant or frightening, depending on how you view such a cold-blooded creature.
7. Deer. Dainty, cautious steps as the doe leads her fawn out of the safety of the trees and into a meadow. The proud tilt of an antlered head before a buck prances away. Deer can be graceful creatures, if caught at the right moment.
8. Fish. Yes, some are strange in appearance, but the way that a fish glides effortlessly through the water is wonderful.
9. Dogs. A well-trained dog moves with precision and very little wasted movement. It can be interesting to watch how long a dog will wait before taking that final lunge to begin its chase of a rabbit.
10. Birds of prey. Soaring high in the sky, barely a speck to the eye. Then it dives, gathering speed as it hurtles ever closer to its target. Birds of prey are fascinating to watch hunt.

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