Friday, April 14, 2017

Thoughtful Gifts

1. A handmade craft. Be it a blanket, bookmark, bag, or butter bowl, taking the time to make something for someone else is quite thoughtful.
2. A letter. Writing a personal message to someone takes careful thought about that person.
3. Cookies. Cookies make people happy, especially when they're your favorite kind.
4. A photo album. Pictures capture moments, and moments remembered are moments treasured.
5. A collectible. Giving someone an item for their collection shows that you care enough to know what they like collecting. A collectible could be keys, bottle caps, or even left socks. Their value lies in the collector's heart.
6. A drink of water. When you are thirsty, having someone offer you a glass of water is a wonderful thing indeed.
7. Your service. Sometimes the best gift is delivered through sweat, elbow grease, and a smile.
8. A kind word. Kind words can improve another's day, so don't be afraid to speak.
9. Food. Making dinner for someone else is a wonderful gift to give.
10. Your time. Sometimes the only gift you need give is to simply spend time with someone else, focusing on them instead of on yourself.

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