Friday, November 3, 2017

To Make a List

1. So you know what foods are needed for the chicken surprise recipe you wanted to try.
2. That way you don't have to open every box just to find which one your socks were packed in.
3. Because having a list of what trouble your characters have already gotten into will help you with deciding what new trouble they will find themselves in now.
4. So that you don't forget to send a Christmas card to great-aunt Ethel.
5. Because a list of how and when to do something is very handy.
6. A list can tell you who is going to an activity, so you know how many snacks to take.
7. A record of your cat's funny moments can make you laugh.
8. Because if you don't, how will you remember who has been naughty or nice?
9. If you make a list of what you've already done, then it will provide some time to ignore all that you have left to do.
10. Because lists can help simplify tasks.

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