Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Alarm Clock

The alarm clock screeches for attention, with all the cruelty of a drenched cat.
You hit the snooze, but it never provides a long enough reprieve.
The floor is cold on bare feet, the winter chill enough to make you shiver and look longingly back at the warm bed.
But no, you must get up and on with the day.
The morning routine passes in a blur, and you couldn't respond with certainty what it was you just ate.
It came from the fridge, and wasn't moving. That was good enough for you.
Work was work, as it always was.
You went through with each task you had, putting in your best effort for each one, but forgot about each after its completion.
Home again, and the things you had to do there.
Chores, food, animals, and a nap. Perhaps even some time for a book, if you sere lucky.
All too soon, the day is done.
Preparations to sleep are worked through, each one reminding you of just how tired you are.
You return to your room, and set the alarm clock for drenched cat.
Then, you pull back the covers and crawl into bed.
It has grown cold since this morning, but no matter.
Soon enough, the blankets would be warm with your heat, and you would fall asleep.
At least until the morning, when that horrid alarm screeches once again.

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