Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Hope falls not to those in the best position to defend it, but to those in the most need of it. For those to whom hope is most desired are not those living lives of luxury.
Those to whom all has come easily have the comfort of their familiarity with ease to draw upon.
Those to whom nothing has been given, however, long for even a passing acquaintance with ease.
And to those who long, hope becomes a close friend.
For how can one hope, when one does not know what it is to long for something?
Hope brings comfort where there is none, peace when trials seem insurmountable, and joy even in the midst of heartache.
Hope comes not from knowing everything will be okay, but in the dreaming for a world in which one need not settle for merely "okay".
Hope is a fire that one should never let die. But if one does find it to be but a flickering ember, know that it can always be rekindled by a faithful heart.
Hope is what fills the heart when all seems lost, when one has been forsaken and left alone.
Hope is the baited breath awaiting the doctor's news.
Hope is carried by helpful hands, within the sweet song of a stranger, and through every upturned eye seeking the stars.
Hope never truly dies, so long as one is willing to try.
For hope does not require your best effort, but the you are willing to make an attempt.
Those in the most need will find hope always waiting, ready to defend the one in need of it.
So no matter what comes, you'll aways have hope.

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