Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Quest

The quest was a long one. Across many lands the band traveled, searching carefully for the treasures they sought.
Some were gained at great cost. Others gathered slowly from the jungle depths. A few were only obtained after a grueling series of trades.
But finally, the band had gathered every treasure. They took them to the master of recipes, pleading for her to use her skills.
Taking their treasures, the master of recipes vanished into her domain, and the band waited.
They waited through the strange sounds, and through the waves of heat and the alluring smells.
It felt as though they had waited forever.
Finally, the master of recipes emerged, arms laden with the precious result of their treasure hunt.
Chocolate cake.
The band eagerly feasted on the delicacy, savoring the complex flavors and moist texture. It was like nothing they'd ever eaten, and well worth their questing.

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