Friday, July 12, 2013

How to find a monster

1. Wait in your room. Some monsters lurk under the bed, while others hide in the closet. Both of these kinds of monsters can be lured out if you pretend to be asleep.
2. Find someplace with a lot of fog. Certain monsters can create fog to disguise themselves while traveling. Other common disguises that monsters employ are thunderstorms, blizzards, and extremely overcast nights.
3. Check within old buildings. Monsters enjoy worn accommodations, particularly castles.
4. In a forest. There are monsters who cannot stand civilization. So if you are searching for one of these monsters, a forest is one of the best places to start.
5. At a lake. Freshwater aquatic monsters sometimes gather at lakes. Others prefer rivers.
6. On a beach. Saltwater aquatic monsters may frequent popular beaches after the crowds have left.
7. In a landfill. Some monsters consider garbage to be a delicacy, and so can be located wherever large quantities of trash is found.
8. Under a bridge. This was a common domain for monsters in the past. Now however, you must be selective in choosing what bridge you search. Older bridges are best, or those that do not receive much use.
9. Within a cave. The cave is one of the preferred dwellings of many old monster. The drearier the better.
10. Wait for Halloween. Monsters that love candy cannot resist coming out on this night.

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