Friday, November 1, 2013

What to do with a Halloween costume

1. If you have multiple children of the same gender, keep them! If next year one of the younger kids decides to be the same thing their older sibling was, then you might have saved some money and time if they fit in the old costume.
2. If you have young children, they could use the costumes all year round for their playtime adventures!
3. Take a family photo! Have everyone wear their costume for a fun photo. It'll be a great memory to put in a scrapbook. This isn't just limited to family photos either. Friends can take part in the monstrous photo shoot too!
4. Repurpose it. Some well made costumes can be altered for more everyday use. It all depends on the costume. So look at yours and ask, "Can I make this work for more then one night?"
5. Have a party! Invite your friends for a costume party some time other then Halloween. It might be a bit odd, but a costume party in June could be a lot of fun!
6. Make a video. Get a few friends together and record yourselves performing a skit. The different costumes will allow for strange, amusing characters. Afterwards, watch the video and eat some food. It could be a fun time for all.
7. Wear it while writing. Being in costume might ignite a new idea for a story. At the very least, you could imagine how your characters would act if they were the ones in the costume.
8. Depending on the material, you could transform your costume into a series of pillows. It would make for a good conversation starter whenever someone visited you.
9. Make your costume into a prop for next year. Your costume could become a zombie, scarecrow, corpse, or silhouette on the wall.
10. Donate it. If you can't think of anything to do with your costume and don't want it taking up space, don't throw it away! There may be somewhere you could donate it to so that others might be able to find a use for the costume.

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