Friday, January 3, 2014

My favorite mythical creatures

1. Dragons. These beasts are amazing, and have fascinated me for years. I enjoy most renditions of dragons, though I do have a preference for European dragons. I really like seeing dragons in many different roles, various levels of intelligence, a vast amount of colorations, and a wide range of temperaments.
2. Griffins. Now, I'm a fan of lions, with The Lion King being one of my all time favorite movies. What does this have to do with griffins? Well, griffins are half lion, half eagle, and completely awesome. There is so much you could do with a griffin, without even getting into their antagonistic feud with horses and the impossible offspring of these enemies: the hippogriff!
3. Phoenixes. A bird who upon reaching the time of its death bursts into flame and rises from its own ashes as a chick? That is pretty cool. A phoenix would be an excellent companion for many generations.
4. Shapeshifters. Shapeshifting would be a fascinating ability, be it shifting from one form to a second one or being able to alternate between dozens of different forms. So shapeshifters have always been a creature I've enjoyed, regardless of what they can transform into.
5. Wyverns. Now a lot of folks just toss these critters in with dragons, but I like wyverns. Two legged, winged reptiles with a barbed tail and a venomous bite. I really think the wyvern is an excellent beast that shouldn't have to remain in the dragon's shadow.
6. Winged horses. Also known as pegasi, the winged horse is exactly what you think: a horse with wings. Horses are cool on their own, so when you add a pair of wings so that they can fly? That makes them 20% cooler.
7. Chimeras. A lion with the second head of a goat and a snake for a tail? And it can breath fire? The traditional chimera is a cool creature. The term chimera can also be used to describe a creature that is a mishmash of other creatures, but why change something that is already a good combination?
8. Hippogriffs. Half griffin, half horse. How could a hippogriff not be awesome? A hippogriff could be a loyal mount or a dangerous foe. Not to mention that it could have the temperament of either parent, or a combination of the two. What's not to love?
9. Elementals. Be they creatures controlling the elements or manifestations of the elements themselves, elementals are neat. I prefer the classical elements of fire, water, earth, and wind, but am open to other types of elemental.
10. The al'mi'raj. A cute little yellow rabbit with a single black spiraling horn? This thing is a predator who can take down creatures far larger then itself. Oh, and did I mention that it is territorial and has a huge appetite? This is one rabbit you shouldn't try to pet.

Note: This list is not in any type of order. Nor is this a complete list of my favorite creatures.

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