Friday, July 25, 2014

Consequences of being stuck in a mirror

1. It would become lonely. Sure, people might use the mirror you're stuck in. But conversing with them might be difficult, since they'll likely run away after noticing you.
2. You would startle others. When someone looks in a mirror, they don't expect to see any face but their own.
3. It would be quiet. There isn't much noise within a mirror, and outside sounds that are able to enter a mirror are few. Silence would be your companion.
4. There might not be anywhere to sit. The inside of a mirror is not the same as its reflection, so don't count on being able to lounge on that plush armchair.
5. Time doesn't always flow the same way. What was mere seconds outside the mirror could be weeks within. Some mirrors are the opposite: what is a minute within is a year outside.
6. There isn't much to do. A lot of mirrors lack things like plants, books, and cell phone signals. In most, you have to entertain yourself by watching whatever room it reflects.
7. There might be monsters. Some, but not all, mirrors are home to strange monsters. You would probably make a lovely snack.
8. There isn't anything to eat. Mirror don't have fast food joints, or markets. On the bright side, you can usually get away without eating while within a mirror. Let's just hope you didn't come in hungry...
9. It can get really dark. Normally, the inside of a mirror is lit by whatever it reflects. So there will be times when it is dark.
10. It is cold. The regular temperature within a mirror is quite chilly, and it will be difficult to find fuel for a fire. Luckily, you can't catch a cold while in a mirror.

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