Friday, March 20, 2015

How to hide from a dragon

1. Stay inside. Dragons do not usually enter houses, though they have been known to set them aflame.
2. Keep something between you and the dragon. If the dragon doesn't see you, it can't eat you.
3. Don't make noise. Dragons can hear very well, so don't breath too heavily.
4. Try not to wear perfume. Dragons have an excellent sense of smell.
5. Avoid startling the wildlife. Nothing says, "look over here!" like a flock of bird suddenly flying away.
6. Endure the gross stuff. Creepy bugs crawling over your shoes is preferable to a dragon eating you, shoes and all.
7. Don't panic! Sure, the dragon is moments away from discovering your hiding place, but that doesn't mean you should make it easier by trying to run away now.
8. Be willing to sacrifice your stuff. When hiding from a dragon, you don't have time to grab everything you own.
9. Know your dragon species. Understanding that an aquatic dragon will be attracted to water allows you to rule out any hiding place by the river.
10. Don't give up. Should your first hiding place be discovered, don't quit. Do your best to get away and find a better place hide.

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