Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Fog

When I was a child, my village had one rule.
Never go into the fog.
It should have been an easy rule to follow. Stay inside at night when the fog was thickest, and avoid the clumps that appeared during the day in those shadowy spots the sunlight couldn't reach.
Easy, right?
Well... not for me.
I have what the village elders consider an unhealthy amount of curiosity.
Which means that I'm actually interested in stuff, and not content to follow the exact same routine every day.
Seriously, who would enjoy that?
At least the fog changes.
So one day, I decided to break the one rule.
It was rainy, and the fog was blanketing the village streets. On days like this, no one ever went outside.
My parents were busy with my younger brother, who was in a fit of terror because of the fog and rain.
"It's gonna get me!" His shriek shook the walls of our little home, and I wouldn't have been surprised if they all fell down.
My brother may only be five, but he has some powerful lungs.
I used his shrieks to cover my escape. The next time his voice shook the house, I slipped out the door.
The torches on either side of our doorway kept the fog at bay, though with how they were sputtering, I doubted they would outlast the rain.
Gazing at the swirling fog, I shivered. It didn't look as exciting now, and part of me was tempted to go back inside.
But that was a very small part.
Swallowing back my reservations, I strode into the fog.
It was chilly, and seemed to seep into my skin with each step. I couldn't see anything but the swirling fog.
Pretty spooky.
Rubbing my arms, I gave a weak laugh and shook my head. It was just fog! I don't know why the elders are so scared of it. When I told them about this tomorrow, they'd realize that there isn't anything to be afraid of.
Nothing at all.
I turned to head back inside.
And found blue eyes staring at me.
I jumped back, heart pounding. There wasn't anything else. Just a pair of blue eyes floating in the fog.
Okay, so maybe there was something to be scared of.
I took a cautious step forward, never taking my eyes off of those blue ones.
They kept staring at me.
Another step, then another.
Why wouldn't those blue eyes blink?
I was right next to those eyes now, and almost back to where my house should be.
I sidestepped the eyes, and let out a relieved breath as I saw the flicker of torches through the fog.
A glint of movement, and the fog beneath the blue eyes ripped open to reveal a maw of fangs.
I stumbled back as those fangs snapped at me.
They closed around my forearm, and pain seared through me.
My insides burned like frozen metal, so cold it was like touching flames.
I hit the ground, body shivering as the pain spread through it.
The blue eyes watched, its fangs hidden again within the fog.
I might have blacked out, for the next thing I remember is waking up.
Feeling cold, and strangely weightless.
"You were tasty." The voice was like a sigh of wind, and I turned to see who had spoken.
A girl.
A girl made entirely of fog, except for her blue eyes.
Her blue eyes and grinning mouth of fangs.
I made to scramble away, and caught sight of my arm.
My arm made of fog.
"What did you do to me?" I asked, my voice an unrecognizable sigh.
"It's been a while, but we can always count on a fool like you to wander in every few years." The girl said, still smiling as she motioned around. "Basically, you ventured into the fog, and so have become a part of it."

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