Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A Piece of Rock

Once there was a piece of rock. It wasn't large, nor was it tiny. It was a simple rock, that blended well with all of the other rocks on the path.
There came a day when the rock decided that it didn't want to stay on the path any longer. So it summoned all of its strength, and rocked back and forth.
Back and forth.
Never stopping, even though it was hard to get any momentum among all of the other rocks.
But this rock didn't give up, and soon it felt itself shift.
It rocked forward, and began to roll.
The rock gleefully rolled down the path, eager to see new places. It ignored the other rocks it rolled over, continuing faster and faster down the path.
Suddenly, the path twisted left.
But the rock couldn't turn.
It didn't know how to turn.
Or how to stop.
And so the little rock flew off of the path, and landed with a plop into the lake.
The rock sank down, down into the murky water, and settled deep among the muck.
There the little rock has remained, unable to get any momentum while stuck, and unable to get unstuck by itself.

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