Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Initializing diagnostic...
The voice echoed in my mind as a tingling sensation swept down my spine.
Consciousness enabled, scanning for abnormalities.
The tingling sensation wouldn't go away, and I was starting to think that the voice in my head wasn't normal either. At least, I couldn't remember ever having another voice in my head before now.
Memory bank active, compiling recollections now.
In fact, as my memories flashed by at high speed, I grew certain that I'd never had a voice in my head before today.
The tingling became a buzzing in my ears and a solid darkness in my eyes. Why couldn't I see?
My heart pounded against my chest, and a sudden dread seized at my thoughts. Had I been in an accident? Was my sight gone forever, leaving me no way to fulfill my dreams as an artist?
What could I do? What would happen now?
Detecting abnormality.
Even the voice knew something was wrong. Did that happen if you lost one of your senses? Did some voice appear to replace what you'd lost?
I didn't think insanity was a fair exchange.
The tingling was starting to grow uncomfortable where it gathered around my heart and in my head.
Unauthorized use of emotions detected. Emotions disrupting optical and audial units.
Wait, what? The extra voice in my head wasn't making any sense. How could my fears about being blind be unauthorized? This was my mind!
Commencing removal of the disruption.
A sudden burning pain replaced the tingling. It felt as though someone had lit my heart and mind on fire, but there didn't seem to be anything I could do to stop it. Despite my memories of them, I couldn't seem to get my arms or legs to work. Was I even breathing? I didn't know, for I couldn't feel my lungs.
The burning eventually faded by to the strange tingling, though I don't know how long that took.
A minute? An hour?
It seemed like an eternity.
But for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to care.
Disruption successfully removed. Emotions deactivated.
Should I be worried by that? What did the voice me about emotions being deactivated? Emotions didn't work like a computer program.
Despite my thoughts, I couldn't seem to bring myself to care enough about whatever the voice had done to do something about it. And so I let it go.
Diagnostic complete, commencing reboot now.

I blinked open my eyes, the darkness vanishing as the lenses adjusted for the brightness of the room. A cool white ceiling was replaced by a pair of faces, which my internal database recognized as my mother and father. My mother's file was quickly edited as I noticed that she'd had her optical lenses changed to a pleasant lavender shade.
As mother's updated file was stored, my own file filled my mind and the Cyberonic Interactive Diagnostic System (or CIDS) read the lasted update from my monthly checkup.
All programs operating at optimal efficiency. One error found: unauthorized emotions had been activated. Error corrected through deactivation of emotion cortex.
I supposed that it was good that the emotions were deactivated again. Who knew what kind of trouble I could have gotten into if I'd been allowed to return to consciousness without a proper mindset?
Emotions were too finicky for proper society anymore, and only savages who hadn't yet been upgraded still ran around without a proper control over their emotions.
I certainly wasn't a savage, and had no need for such barbaric impulses like happiness, fear, excitement, and all those other useless emotions.
I could see the world far better without such things clouding my mind.

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