Friday, December 23, 2016

For waiting to get a pet

1. Because you aren't ready. Can you properly care for an animal? Will you be able to give it all the time and love that a pet deserves?
2. You don't have enough space. A goldfish and a saint bernard cannot fit in the same space. So before you go and get a pet, make sure you have enough room for the pet you desire.
3. Can you afford it? Pets can be expensive. If you're struggling to for funds to keep yourself comfortable, then it might not be the best time to get a pet.
4. Have you thought about it? A pet should never be a spur of the moment decision. Otherwise you might end up with tears and destroyed furniture.
5. Is the pet you want legal where you live? Not all animals are considered to be pets, and not all places agree on what animal can be a pet. So before you go get a hedgehog, check that doing so won't break the law.
6. Would a pet fit your family? Not all animals are family friendly, and some people have allergies that mean they can't have certain pets. Figure out what kind of pet would fit your family, and that your family will be able to live with that pet.
7. Is it the right time to get a pet? Even though the children would be delighted to get a puppy for Christmas, would the puppy (and the training it requires) be able to fit within your crazy holiday schedule?
8. Why do you want it? What is your reason for wanting a pet? Are you following a popular trend, or perhaps trying to relive the joy of a childhood pet? Your reasoning matters, and you should take the time to figure it out.
9. Is it merely a replacement? It is heartbreaking when a beloved pet dies. But even though a new pet might be able to help you through your grief, you shouldn't go out and get an animal just to replace the one you lost. It isn't fair to you, or to the new animal.
10. Because you already have enough. Know what your limits are. If you can't afford to care for four dogs, be it physically, emotionally, or financially, then don't try and have four dogs. But if you can care for four, or five, or even seven dogs, then don't let anyone stop you from raising the animals you love. Just remember your limits.

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