Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Dragons' Dominion

It was a programming error that released the dragons. Just one line of code, mistakenly imputed, somehow broke the ancient binding spell.
The dragons were swift, mercilessly targeting those with any aptitude for magic. For it had been mages who locked them away, and so the dragons desired a world without mages.
The dragons hadn't expected the world to have forgotten how to use magic, nor to have transforms their ancient enemy into a creature of myth.
But the dragons didn't complain. Such behavior merely meant that there was no one watching for the dragons' return, nor were there any who were prepared to face the dragons in combat.
No, the fools had spent there time making dwellings that stretched so flimsily into the sky.
Such things were begging to be burnt back to the ground.
The dragons were cunning, and took note of all that their weak opponent tried to use against them. Some things, like the metal shells somehow filled with a strange kind of dragon-fire,  were surprisingly dangerous.
Yet despite the danger, those metal shells were laughably easy to beat with a carefully aimed blast of real dragon-fire.
It wasn't very long at all before the skies were once again ruled by dragons, and the land would soob be theirs as well.
For the the weak creatures of the world were on the run, scattering at the briefest glimpse of a dragon's shadow.
Without the aid of magic, nothing could stand against the dragons' dominion.

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