Wednesday, June 14, 2017


The night was still, the storm that had raged finally over. But though the chaotic winds and chilling flurry was gone, the desolation left behind acted as a harsh reminder.
Build your walls, and nature will tear them down.
Cower beneath the earth, as the skies rage.
It would take time to recover from the destruction, time that could nit be wasted.
Time that currently kept loved one apart, anxiously wondering if the other had managed to weather the storm.
Would time see them to a joyous reunion?
Or was a rain of bitter tears lurking on the horizon?
Buildings would be restored, others rebuilt.
Strangers would stand together, strengthened by the realization that they'd survived the storm.
Time would bring healing from grief and pain, and provide strength to the weakened.
But at this moment, deep in the night, time holds its breath.
For even time needs a moment to recover from such a storm.

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