Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Sometimes a memory grows dim, like a waterlogged letter washed up on the shore. Some words might still be legible, maybe a sketch or two remain, but mainly fragments remain.
Perhaps it is the sound of a loved one's voice that remains, or the smell of popcorn at the fair. You cling to those fragments, to times you thought would always be clear in your memory.
Sometimes, a memory remains perfectly clear no matter how much you might wish it to fade.
Disappointments, grief, pain. You may feel inclined to ask why such sorrows  remain in your mind.
Some folks can remember it all, as if it had happened mere moments before.
Others have trouble remembering what they did the day before.
Memory is a tricky thing, and it is oftentimes tainted by time.
Still, those experiences shape us, both the good and bad. Your memories will never be the same as someone else's, even if they are of the same moment. Because your memories are shaped in part by who you are.
Your thoughts.
Your feelings.
All the many things that make you you.
The memories you make are yours alone.
So be sure to cherish them.

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