Friday, March 20, 2020

Easy Lunches

1. A sandwich. Hot or cold, full of meat and cheese or stuffed with spreads, a sandwich is something super easy to make.
2. Pasta. Just boil some water, add the noodles and wait until they reach that perfect tender crunch, then drain off the water and serve with a bit of sauce.
3. Tuna fish. Mix it in a salad, eat it on crackers, or even make it into a... sandwich!
4. Leftovers. Who knows what is waiting in the fridge for you to reheat?
5. Eggs. They're not just for breakfast.
6. A salad. Because an easy lunch doesn't have to be bad for you.
7. Fast food. It's quick, it's easy because you don't have to cook, and the only limits are your area and how much you want to spend on lunch.
8. Cereal. Easy to make, easy to eat, and yet another "not just for breakfast" food.
9. Soup. From a can is easiest, but some people are smart enough to think ahead and freeze individual portions for such a time as lunch.
10. Frozen dinners. Quick, promise a little variety, and leave you wishing there had been just a little more. Kind of like your lunch hour, actually.

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