Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Bad Time

When time goes bad, it tends to favor three approaches.
First, the bad time. A bad time is inconvenient, but often manageable. A bad time could be a leaking dishwasher, missing homework, or a sick child on the day you and all your friends were going to get together.
A step above a bad time is when you're suffering from bad times. Bad times is when all the potential causes of a bad time get together to hit you all at once. Missing keys when you're already late for work, the whole family down with food poisoning on the day the hall bathroom decides to become a waterpark. A broken heel causing a twisted ankle while the wind rips your umbrella out of your hands so that the rain drenches you. You know how bad times look.
The third approach is rare, but always catastrophic. For it is when time goes bad. It becomes rotton, and portions of reality ooze away beneath the strain. Monstrous creatures breK theough the weakened barriers, and people fall out of time entirely. The lucky fools find themselves in the past or flung into the future. The unlucky fools are frozen in between seconds, trapped forever in a state of neither existing nor creasing to exist.
But the third approach rarely ecer occurs, and fixes itself in what could either be called no time at all, or after all this time. Eyewitnesses are split on which exactly is correct.

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