Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Contest of Wit

Two people were engaged in a contest of wit. Staring deep into the eyes of their opponent, each awaited the perfect moment to make their final move.
The entire evening rested on this moment. For the prize rested on the table between them, spaced at the exact mid-point. If one moved, then so would the opponent. They were equally matched in speed, and the thought of sharing the prize had not crossed their young minds.
The first boy's fingers twitched, causing the other boy to narrow his eyes.
The time had arrived to act.
They lunged forward, arms outstretched toward the prize.
Both were jerked backed by the collar of their shirts, a stern voice echoing through the room.
"Boys! No dessert until you finish your squash!"
"But mom!" The boys whined in unison, looking at the plate they had failed to reach. A single cookie remained.
"Listen to your mother." The father said as he reached over to the plate and picked up the cookie.