Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Djinn and The Vartija: Aura, part III


Turning away from the girl, I closed my eyes and fought to remain standing.
All of my senses were behaving erratically. Fluctuating from one extreme to the next, my body was rebelling against itself.
At the moment, my sight was gone. Every scent reeked past my threshold to differentiate between them. There was a ringing in my ears, muffling any other sound. A metallic taste coated my mouth.
Argh-” I jerked away from the scalding pressure against my arm, choking back further cries.
What can I do?” I heard the vartija asked. It had been her touch that had caused my outcry.
Leave.” I rasped. Despite having been diminished in strength, her aura still called to me. It lingered in each of my senses, a tantalizing ruin. “Now!” I groaned, turning to glare at her. For although my sight had yet to return, her aura shined as a beacon.
Silence. A soft breath.
Her footsteps were nearly inaudible as she fled to the house.
After I was certain she was no longer in the backyard, I turned in the direction of my current abode. Stumbling until my hand grazed the rough bark of the tree, I painfully felt for the ladder and forced myself to climb.
Once within the relative safety of the tree-house, I collapsed into unconsciousness.

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