Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Djinn and The Vartija: Aura, part II

I continued to look at Muritage for a moment. As he frowned, I noticed the humid feeling disappear. Before I could question it, the djinn spoke. "Your aura will likely appear as something subtle, perceptible to a few senses. A majority of auras effect the sense of smell, so you may want to begin there."
Still uncertain what I was searching for, I focused on my nose.
I could smell my waffles, along with the neighbor's rosebush. I tried to ignore the normal scents of the backyard and search for anything unusual. The daylight grew stronger as I waited for something to stand out.
We may have to reschedule this lesson. Mom will be getting up soon.
I opened my mouth to speak, then paused as I felt a tingling in my nose. I focused on the sensation, willing it to become stronger.
An overwhelming scent of peppermint struck my nostrils and Muritage jerked away, his haughtiness disappearing.
"Subdue your aura!" He snapped, turning away from me with visible effort.
I bit my lip and focused on the smell of peppermint, willing it to dissipate.
After a minute, the tension in his shoulders faded. As he turned back toward me, Muritage rubbed his forehead.
"Were you trying to kill us?" He asked shakily, eyes narrowed.
"I was trying to figure out what my aura smelled like." I told him, placing my free hand on my hip. "Wasn't that what you wanted?"
"I did not want you to amplify it! Now any creature in the area has had your aura seared into their senses. Even with the aura now subdued, this area is likely to be swarmed by at least half a dozen creatures." He crossed his arms, which were trembling.
"Are you okay?" I quietly asked. His words had filled my mind with worry. I had yet to face more then three critters at once, and had avoided bringing hunts home as much as I could. Now it appeared that I had invited critters home.
"No. If I were not bound to you and a member of a Higher Race, such a potent dose of vartija aura at this range would have destroyed my senses and left me in a comatose state indefinitely."

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