Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A dragon and his pet

A woman with short blond hair sighed as she set down a brass bristled brush. A deep rumbling filled the castle ruins as a maroon dragon turned its head to look at the woman. Releasing a puff of smoke that caused the woman to cough, the dragon turned and offered her its other side.
"If you would stop pillaging neighboring kingdoms, then they would stop sending knights to slay you." The woman told the dragon as she picked up the brush and attacked the grime that coated the dragon's scales. The dragon yawned, a foreleg reaching out toward a stack of blackened armor. Snagging a helm with its claw, the dragon pulled it close and began to breathe a slender flame onto the metal. "There are easier ways of getting suits of armor."
When the dragon's wing pushed the woman back a few steps, the woman frowned and lifted her hands. "I know they wouldn't taste the same as those that are delivered right to you, but at least they wouldn't poke you with a sword." The dragon's tail thumped against the ground once, and the woman got back to work.
It wasn't easy being a dragon's pet, but the woman had come to an understanding with the beast. If she cared for the dragon and its hoard, then she was allowed to live. It helped that the dragon fancied her hair for its nest.
The dragon lifted its head as a faint whinny reached them. The partially melted helm clattered to the ground as the beast stood. Glancing down at the woman, the dragon released a hiss and pushed her with a foreleg.
"I'm going." The woman grumbled as she turned and began walking toward the only portion of the castle still in good condition: a tower. "Say hello to your visitor for me." She said with a shake of her head.
Knights kept coming to slay the dragon. The woman's only wonder was if this knight was from one of the pillaged kingdoms, or from her father.
After all, a King did not allow his daughter to be a dragon's pet.

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