Friday, January 4, 2013

Things that may make someone laugh

1. Surprises. When someone successfully surprises another, they may take the opportunity to laugh. Depending upon the circumstances, the surprised party may join in the laughter.
2. Stories. Whether from within a novel, on the screen or from elsewhere, stories have long had the ability to entertain us. Some stories focus on amusing us. We typically call these kinds of stories comedies.
3. Family. Those we have grown up with tend to know us well. This can lead to one finding themselves laying on the floor laughing uncontrollably.
4. Friends. Like our family, those who are numbered as friend have great power to cause laughter. Be warned that this sometimes magical ability comes with great responsibility. Use your powers wisely.
5. Pets. Animals can provide comfort in times of need. They can also be quite funny to watch. Try not to laugh too hard next time the cat leaps on top of a open door and realizes she can't get down.
6. Attempting something new. Between the frustration of failure and the joy of having successfully learned something new come unexpected moments of amusement. These strange times can occur from many places: be it a simple mistake the escalates into a amazing creation or from a fellow student.
7. Looking at a fish. Stare into his round eyes. Watch as his mouth pops open, then closed again and again. Face the fish. Be the fish.
8. Acting ridicules. See number seven up there? He could use some custard. Ah, fish and custard...
9. Making a joke. Simple and often successful, this plan for extracting laughter may not work on some people. In that case, try having a serious discussion with them. You never know, they might be pulling your leg.
10. Talking to yourself. Although frowned upon by certain psychiatrists, you may find yourself to be quite the comedian. Just remember that if people stare at you to give them a big smile. They'll wonder what you're up to.


  1. I do seem to remember chewing on my friend's arm to get her to worked so well we both nearly cried. I later tried it on a more seru=ious bunch...they gave me a you-need-help look. XD
