Friday, May 10, 2013

How to use an empty box

1. Build a fort. It will end up taking more then one to make it life size, but you can build a replica out of one box by cutting it into many smaller boxes.
2. Wear as a helmet. Merely find a box that fits over your head, then cut out some holes for your eyes. Or simply fit it on the top of your head.
3. As a nest for chickens. Have some fertilized eggs? Do your hens love to sit in a cardboard box? Simply gather the fertilized eggs into the box with some nesting material, then allow your hens to brood.
4. To stiffen tatting. Merely cover one side of the box with wax paper, then pin the stiffening tatting to it and leave it alone for a few days.
5. Entertainment for a child. If you use your imagination, one empty box can bring hours of enjoyment.
6. Make a book cover. Find a nice box, then cut out a spine and two pieces for the cover. Put the spine between the pieces of the cover, then connect them together with some card stock and glue. Congratulations, now you have a basic hardcover.
7. As a place for your cat. Step one: set box on floor. Step two: watch cat climb into box. Step three: photograph cat.
8. To intrigue your friends. Simply carry the box around as if it has something in it. When your friends ask about the box, tell them to guess what is in it. If they fail to guess that it is empty, you can tell them. Or you could leave them wondering; what was in the box?
9. Use it as a prop. The box is a versatile object. One moment it can be a rock, then next a table. Or the box could fill in for a person as you practice your lines for a play. The full potential of the empty box has yet to be discovered.
10. Fill it up. What else would you do with an empty box?

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